hee, Lovemydd - well, i actually had the same thought when you posted your daughter's story about the egg on the quirky thread. we had a good one about an egg (and a surgery, natch) recently, too!

Mk13 - not to be too doom & gloom, but keep an eye on that teacher. she SHOULD realize what she's up against and i really hope she does, but we had a pair of them last year in Pre-K who "noticed" all the vocab (DD's journal is full of words like protuberance, dilemma & metastasize)... and yet they vacillated between implying that these things were completely run-of-the-mill and/or that i must be drilling her at home. good, good times...

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 08/28/13 06:28 AM. Reason: it's early, apparently

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.