Tonight at dinner, DS2 was playing tic-tac-toe with my mum. She drew out about eight frames for them to complete.

Turn 1: DS marks "x" in the center of a grid.

Turn 2: Grandma marks "o" in the top right former.

Turn 3: DS marks "x" in the center of all the remaining frames then smiles disarmingly at Grandma.

My game theory work is apparently heritable.

He also talks in riddles non-stop. It's fun to have insight into how his mind processes the information. Case in point: "what truck can move in more than one direction at the same time?" His answer: an articulated truck.

I'm also certain he can read more than we thought previously. Last night, he read to me most of a new book he'd never yet seen. He's my little enigma.

What is to give light must endure burning.