DD11 had a great term in school! Clearly skipping up to a bunch of higher level classes was the right thing to do:

* Judges' choice at a local engineering competition. She and one other child represented their class at the event. The other child was VERY shy, so she stepped up and did the entire presentation.

* Second place in the school science fair. A small fair, but she did a great job with her experiment and display board. The first and second place winners were just points apart.

* Impressed a teacher subbing for one of her classes so much that he invited her into his competition-based class next year (even though she's two years too young to compete).

* Decided on her own that the school needs a student newspaper and got her teacher and school director on board. She'll get to be student editor and I volunteered to be parent editor as part of my coop hours (thereby proving my point that with great enthusiasm comes great responsibility -- or if you want to run things, volunteer). I plan to let her and the other kids run this thing entirely and am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Thanks for being here so that I have someone to brag to!