I just joined today, so I'll first introduce myself...

I'm Lynn and I have one child; a son age three.

He is reading level two books, can count to 100 and identify any number up to 100. He is starting to write letters and numbers. He has a great vocabulary and sentence delivery. He knows the days of the week and months of the year and uses four and five syllable words. He's able to tell time on the hour, half hour and quarter hour. Some of his favorite things are dials and gauges. He loves his compass and he sleeps with a pocket watch that belonged to his great-great grandma.

He's a sweet and outgoing little boy. Always talking up a stranger! (yikes)

I haven't put him in preschool yet. He's not potty-trained and has some trouble with physical things like riding a bike. He's no athlete! LOL Hopefully when he's enrolled, he will pick up more physical skills. smile