Originally Posted by Kriston
I was getting an MRI for my migraines. Coming in behind us--also waiting forever--was a Korean War veteran. (So, probably close to 70, right? He was over there in 1950...)

We struck up a conversation with the man, and they started comparing foreign language notes. The guy taught DS some Korean and some Italian. DS taught him Arabic and Spanish. It was just adorable! They continued when I left the waiting area and went into "the tube." By the time I came out 45 minutes later, they were busom buddies! DS had learned the entire naval semaphore code (the one using flags) and was talking about wishing we could see the guy again. And the man was raving about how wonderful DS was to talk to, how smart, how much fun, how lucky I was to have him for a son. They apparently talked the entire time and both had a blast.

Just heartwarming! I was a really proud momma! smile

This man could have been my father (RIP), and may be closer to 80. He was an officer. My father would have be willing to become lifelong friends with a child like your son. I wonder if you could leave a note with the MRI staff for the next time he comes in (the staff cannot give you the name of another patient). What a wonderful story!