I never write in here because our stuff seems so mundane in this online environment (one of the things I like about it) but I really liked this one.

At DS(now)6's school, parents come in and read on their child's birthday. It's normal selection of kid's stories. DS6 asked his mom to come in and read the 2020 National Geographic Almanac entry on the Big Bang and the Milky Way. He kept interrupting the reading to try and teach his classmates stuff. Then since there was time left in the session, he decided he would read to his class instead of having his mom do it.

For something more "brag" worthy, last year he beat my wife in chess. He knows the game better than her so he kept giving her advice that let him take her pieces. She caught on but by then she had dropped enough material that he could win on his own.

The winning isn't special, she's new to the game. I just love that he worked on tricking her and was subtle enough that he wasn't caught immediately.