My son was a spontaneous reader, probably around 18 months old, but we didn't discover this until he was 2. He was never taught to read. When we finally had his reading tested at age 3, he was already on the 6th grade reading level. His IQ was estimated at 180, since he couldn't complete the IQ tests as he wouldn't answer the questions the way the "tester" wanted them answered. He scored 99& on the Stanford Binet at 5. He was accepted into the Johns Hopkins CTY program at the age of 6, scoring at the 66th percentile of 6th graders on their entry exams. We couldn't find any gifted program in our state, and we were not in a position to relocate. We homeschooled for a year, which was wonderful, but he was becoming extremely introverted, even more than he was to begin with. We put him back into public school for 4th grade (a one-year acceleration), and although he has thrived, he is still underachieving. He is now in a rut of underachievement, getting acceptable grades for an average student. Homework is a struggle because he doesn't see the point, and I can empathize with that. It's just busy work for him, and he aces every test. I wish there were things we could have done differently, but there is no support for these students. He is now 15, and I'm pretty sad that we couldn't do better for him.