Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by Dude
Originally Posted by madeinuk
A false assumption indeed from what I have seen, the 'average white guy' today is treated on par with the way that kulaks were treated in the 1920's Soviet Union.

You're joking, right?

I certainly lost out professionally, in part, because I was not a young attractive woman.

It all varies by experience, naturally, and it's hard to beat being a young attractive woman (although that comes with its own unique set of drawbacks, too), but I can say that "average white guy" has been quite a door-opener for me, professionally as well as personally.

Honestly, I find it difficult to participate in the pity party, but maybe that's because I'm actually aware of Soviet history, and what daily reality is like for other people:

- Much larger people rarely leer at me or stalk me.
- Store employees don't follow me around.
- Police officers don't look for reasons to stop and talk to me. They are usually polite and relaxed when I encounter them.
- Strangers don't start hurrying away from me if I try to stop them and ask a question.
- Parents don't pull their children away from mine at the park.


Okay, that last one isn't entirely true, because it does happen when my wife, who is neither male nor white, takes our DD to the park alone. It certainly does not happen when I'm there.