I think that it may also be worth highlighting that Jon is correct insofar as fully Americanized families go, though-- interdependence DOES need to be an explicit thing there, because our culture is profoundly supportive of independence-- maybe even absolute independence-- being the normative goal.

Which, when paired with Tiger Parenting's approach, leads to hyper-competitive behavior sieved through a viewpoint of all of life as a zero-sum game. This is downright toxic for all but a few people with the good fortune to have both extraordinary ability, but also the right temperment to withstand-- actually, to thrive under-- that kind of aggressive pressure.

The children who tend toward introspection, thoughtfulness, and cooperative behavior tend to be thrown under the bus along the way-- or ground into dust by a system that sees them as more or less useless because they won't shout down the aggressive extraverts next to them, but are seeking to get the heck away from them instead...

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.