It appears that you are discussing 2 issues. Local scholarships, that appear to be lax in their due diligence and top college admission. I have friends that just went through the college process this year. One has a daughter, without "mastery" and wanted math and got a full tuition scholarship to USC. Another got turned down by Amherst and Barnard, waitlist to Princeton (legacy issue) and accepted by Columbia. The whole Barnard, Columbia thing threw me. She didn't have mastery or top, top scores but got into an IVY.

DYS should be able to help you with scholarship issues, I would think. It seems that should be one of the things they do. Especially since your child has done so well, from an early age, in research.

I have my tantrums and then I look for another path. Oops, did I just admit my helicopter nature? My kid is only 8. But really, that is my nature for my own path. When blocked, turn until you see another way. There is always another way.