Although there was a lot of criticism on on how the Ivy's admit, I haven't read an alternate viable solution to weed through a ton of applications when twice as many kids have perfect scores on their SATs than there are spots.

--and Mana, actually ballet is in there. Harvard recruits dancers.

I was surprised about water polo, since I know someone who went on water polo scholarship and said, that aside from Brown, it was a CA thing. But maybe that has changed since he went to school 10 years ago.

I read speculative IQs of famous people. Hillary Clinton was suppose to be 125, her husband 140. I think on pure IQ, most people would put Bill ahead but I think he would never have been president without her. I think her work ethic leveraged her lower IQ so that she could achieve greater success than someone with a higher IQ. Though that didn't play out in the primary, I think she is an example of gifted and good habits make for great success.

Why wouldn't top schools be looking for that kind of discipline in their recruitment?