Originally Posted by ultramarina
Yeah, right. Tell that to the people with BAs in Journalism, [insert program name] Studies, etc. who are working as security guards (their BAs didn't get them that job; an inexpensive certification did) or at Starbucks.

To my knowledge, beating up on liberal-arts degrees isn't really based in reality. STEM degrees are pretty worthwhile for those who can cut it, but that's in decline right now, IIRC, and business, the most common major in America, has lost some of its shine. I think there's quite a lot to be said for not specializing too early--and for learning how to write, for heaven's sake.



No such thing as a poetry major, btw. wink

Plus, can't liberal arts majors become consultants?

That's where the big money can be found and where the relevant networks are created. The same networks that allow young professionals a shot at pocketing the key to the executive washroom.

So, yeah, a degree like that is worth whatever you are paying.