But I'm getting a whiff of resentment in this thread, especially as regards not wanting one's children to associate with the "rich."

Nope. I'm really not resentful of the rich, except when they act like jerks. I grew up with a ton of advantages, as did my DH, though to a somewhat lesser degree. I could have a lot more money than I do (upthread, I mentioned how I quit a lucrative advertising job). There is no envy here.

There is a subset of the rich whom I don't want my kid to hang out with, but I suspect they'll probably avoid these people of their own accord. Still, at a few schools there are more of these people, making it trickier. The other issue, which may be more relatable, is that I just think it may be a little alienating to my kids to go somewhere where everyone else has "done Europe" a bunch of times, does a ton of ski weekends, owns second and third homes, has stayed at a lot of 5-star hotels, etc. This isn't what my children are going to come in with. And there's the issue of spending money, as alluded to by others.