Originally Posted by madeinuk
Originally Posted by Dude
From a certain perspective, it's far better for the workplace to be "trained" than "educated," because an educated populace is a threat to the social order. Social mobility is not to be promoted.

That assumes that 'education' in this country actually encourages intelligent criticism instead of blind toadying to the current 'All heterosexual Christian white men that work hard and expect others to the same are Evil personified.' orthodoxy that currently prevails.

A false assumption indeed from what I have seen, the 'average white guy' today is treated on par with the way that kulaks were treated in the 1920's Soviet Union.
That is an overstatement, but hostility to men in academia may be one reason more women are getting BA's.

Minding the Campus
MAY 30, 2013
Why Men Are Avoiding College
By Helen Smith

In an interview, Christina Hoff Sommers told me: "The moment a young man arrives on the college campus, he is treated as a member of the suspect class. One popular freshman orientation program is called "She Fears You." Next there are "Take Back the Night" marches, performances of the Vagina Monologues--accusatory posters plastered all around the school--and lots of classroom readings--all driving home the point that women are from Venus and men are from Hell. Few classes are mandatory except freshman writing seminars. Unless the student is well-organized (and what boy is?) he will be too late for the reasonable course offerings and end up in a class where he has to read chick victim lit like the Joy Luck Club or Girl Interrupted. A nightmare for many boys."

I originally thought that once educators, legislators, and parents realized that boys were in trouble academically, our schools would try to make classrooms more accommodating to them. That has not happened. Because historically women have been the second sex, and did suffer discrimination, there is now an elaborate and powerful network of private and federal agencies that protect and promote women's interests. Boys do not have a lobby to defend them. Worse, the women's lobby (especially hardline members like the American Association of University Women--AAUW) fights efforts to help boys. Women's groups follow a double standard: When women lag behind men, that is an injustice that must be aggressively targeted. But when men are lagging behind women, that is a triumph of equity to be celebrated. Many men have just decided that they don't belong in college and, consciously or unconsciously, they are going on strike.

Sommers wrote "The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men" (first published in 2000, with a new edition coming this year -- a good book IMO), and Helen Smith has a new book "Men on Strike".