Originally Posted by Dude
From a certain perspective, it's far better for the workplace to be "trained" than "educated," because an educated populace is a threat to the social order. Social mobility is not to be promoted.

That assumes that 'education' in this country actually encourages intelligent criticism instead of blind toadying to the current 'All heterosexual Christian white men that work hard and expect others to the same are Evil personified.' orthodoxy that currently prevails.

A false assumption indeed from what I have seen, the 'average white guy' today is treated on par with the way that kulaks were treated in the 1920's Soviet Union.

It truly tickles my funny bone that the exact people who in the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties encouraged the Young to challenge dogma and the Establishment now that they ARE the Establishment have completely shut down any challenges to the current 'Road to Political Correctness' that we are all enjoying a bob sleigh ride down - emphasis on that last word.

Become what you are