Originally Posted by madeinuk
I hope there is a special place in Hell for those that set people up that don't have the smarts, maturity or executive functioning to be successful in college just so they can rack up the interest payments.

I would be satisfied with a special place in prison. You know: one that involves sharing a room with a dude referred to as Thag or Monster.

Originally Posted by madeinuk
...college is not for everyone. It is supposed to be a place where the brighter people go to delve more deeply into Knowledge. It shouldn't be a place where EVERYONE has to go just to get a halfway decent shot at a job.

I agree.

For clarity: this problem isn't the fault of the students. They aren't driving this mess. Educators, politicians, colleges, and employers are all contributing to it when they happily bleat that a BA is a magical ticket for any and all holders to enter bright-shiny-future-land.

Yeah, right. Tell that to the people with BAs in Journalism, [insert program name] Studies, etc. who are working as security guards (their BAs didn't get them that job; an inexpensive certification did) or at Starbucks.