Originally Posted by madeinuk
I have seen formerly great IT titans on Wall Street like Morgan Stanley then (90s) and now (2 years ago) the difference made me feel like Charlton Heston in the final scene of the original Planet of the Apes.

Yeah, but do you know *why* he felt that way?

Because "The Planet of the Apes" was really a future Earth!

He didn't discover a new planet after all, he returned to Earth after it had been basically destroyed by people.

The thingy sticking out of the sand was the Statue of Liberty.

It's very confusing if you don't understand that the entire story actually takes place on Earth and not "The Planet of the Apes."

I think they should have renamed the movie "Future Earth".

That would have made it much less confusing to the average moviegoer.

It's also a much more honest title.