Oh Wow INTParent! Well done. That is so exciting.
Go GeoMamma. Love that you are tackling the dungeon.

We have a dishwasher for the last 15 years that sort of works and sort of doesn't. I won't let us choose the cycle -instead randomly chooses for itself, sometimes the dishes come out dirtier than they went in, but not always, and wets the floor about three times a year. But it won't ever just plain stop working! Last Friday DH asked if I thought that now was the time to buy a new one, and Sunday we did. Wednesday it will be delivered. DH never really believed that it wasn't somehow all my fault that I was somehow using the machine incorrectly, so I not only was frustrated with the machine, but I resent it too.

DH: "Are you planning to read the Manual for this one?" Took me 24 hours to get that DH still thinks it's all my fault somehow. I thought at the time it was just an innocent question. Grrrrrrrr.

3 strong willed perfectionistic people in one house is a lot to live with. Even 2. Perhaps this new machine will prove me competent to operate a dishwasher. Or maybe not....time will tell.

Love and More Love,

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