Originally Posted by DeHe
So I'm going to do it, the drawer of death!!! Cue scarry music.

No No Not the Drawer of Death!!! ((Humor Alert))
I just hit the bottom of my 'sure don't know what to do with this pile.' - I got rid of lots of it, but ended up with another smaller and cuter 'don't know what to do with' pile. Uggg - I definitely overdid things today. But I did enjoy watching 2 episodes of 'Glee' and one of 'The Good Wife' - which actually may account for that 'ungrounded feeling.'

I guess this accounts for the reason that the last pile is always the hardest to take care of - if it were easy, I would have done it by now.

Actually I was a little bit encouraged that lots of the things in my 'impossible pile' were actually already handled. Now I'm putting things away. Flylady says to never take out more than 30 minutes worth of mess at a time - that's an easy one for me to follow!

DeHe, Have you tired David Allen's "Getting Things Done?" I've been trying that in fits and starts.

Love and More Love,

My plan is to try meditating on the way to the restaurant for dinner.

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