Originally Posted by eema
I tried Flylady a few years ago, and learned to pick and choose what worked for me.

I did have some problems with the site. Firstly, she said that if you keep the house clean, your family will be inspired as well to chip in. Not true in the least in my home.

Also, I found that some of the emails had a bit of a religious subtext that was off-putting. My personal opinion only.
Hi Eemma! I love picking and choosing. I'm sorry your family didn't catch on. (Do you ever see tiny signs in your children?)

I do find the religious stuff something I have to 'breath through' but I'm also am so grateful for the education. Ambivalent was one of the first long words I taught DS14.

We had my in-laws over for a casual supper. They arrived right around the time I got home from work. It was nice not to have to worry about the house being a mess - that's a blessing.

Now the kitchen is 'boogied,' the sink is shined, I'm still in my lace-up shoes, and I visited the bigtent site and was part of the poll 'Is your sink shined?' Yes is ahead 51% to 49%. Progress not perfection!

Here's the link in case anyone wants to vote:

Love and More Love,

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