Originally Posted by GeoMamma
I'm going to declutter my desk, again smile [/quote
Go GeoMamma! I'll bet you are looking for an out of the way place to have a 'real desk' and a potted plant to but on your 'middle of everything' desk about now, eh?

Today is day 10: You can do anything for 15 minutes? Isn't it the truth?
[quote]We have already been using our timers for 2 minutes and now 5 minutes. Today we are going to learn the power of just 15 minutes. You can do anything for 15 minutes. This is all about getting started and giving ourselves permission to stop when the timer goes off. You cannot restart the timer either. This is not a race to finish in 15 minutes either! The timer helps to keep us focused on what we are doing.

Now set your timer for 15 minutes and go gather up all the trash you can find to throw away and put it in the garbage can outside. Then set your timer for another 15 minutes and sit down and put your feet up and read a favorite magazine till the timer goes off.

Have 15 minutes of fun, ok?
Love and More Love,

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