I'm still working on some clutter issues but one thing has made a big difference for me.

I started this with the kids toys. I had 9 bins in the basement that I would take toys out of and bring upstairs into the playroom. One day, I decide this was too crazy.I decided to put their toys in an upstairs closet, which was a smaller storage space next to the playroom. I will only keep what will fit in this space. It was so hard but I put aside my feeling of how useful or special something was for how it fit into the amount of space assigned.

I took this same principal with the linen closet. If it doesn't fit into the closet or my life it has got to go.

My kids do art in the kitchen. They each have a drawer for on going projects. If the drawer is too full they need to make it reasonable. It helps to set limits and learn to let go. I wish I learned this earlier.