Originally Posted by onthegomom

I would really like to jump to something with paper work clutter. Is that possible?

All of my so-called hot spots are paper work clutter. That is my priority also. Look at the first post on this thread for the link to baby steps. That is what I am doing. The entire website is a little overwhelming. Even though it starts with shining the sink, it has been helping me with my paper work clutter.

I don't have a desk, but have paperwork in piles around the house, plus in boxes and filing cabinets. I am only doing baby steps, one step at a time. I am making myself NOT think that it is too much and I will never get it done. One spot at a time and I will get it done (thinking positive). If you don't start with the sink, pick one pile and plan to do JUST that. It helps to think you are only going to work on it for a specified period of time, too.
