Originally Posted by NanRos
I plan to have DS7 use the vinegar as a science experiment; he will LOVE it and it will make it more fun for me!
this shows what a teriffic mom you are.
If you find a link to 'why' this works, I'd love to view it.

Progress to report despite the above obstacles: just having the sink shined and announcing it to DS and DH has kept dishes from sitting in the sink...they go straight into the dishwasher. Hooray! It's working already smile Nan
I'm so glad to hear this. Yippee! I can be hard to remember to share with DS and DH how much this delights you, so I'm reminding. It's ok to praise them for this behavior EVEN if you feel like they could have been doing this a long time ago, and WHY did they have to wait for you to shine the sink, etc.


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