Tomorrow we spend 2 minute 'Hotspot Fire Drills' - if there is clutter everywhere than you are guarenteed to have more clutter everywhere. It used to be like that at our house, but as I decluttered there was more drawer space to really put things away.

After you get past the first round of 'everywhere' there will be a few 'dependable' hot spots that start to smolder. They you'll buy a potted plant to put ther and a new one will emerge!

I also got better at forcing myself to 'make a decision' about if I did or didn't want this item in my life. If I did want it, where was it's logical place? I hate committment! (humor alert)

I eventually got my husband a pretty wicker basket for 'important papers' and when I get sick of looking at this stuff, I have been known to dump them in his basket. But that was months after I started my fire drills. Turns out that 50% of the junk papers in our house used to be stuff I though was his and he though was mine. LOL!

Remember that your house didn't get like this overnight, and it will take a while to get pretty again - but if I can do it, many many of you can do it too!

Love and More Love,

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