Originally Posted by Artana
I want to jump in but am hesitant. I tried it once before and found myself giving up. Maybe having everyone else doing it will be fine? I also found that some steps don't really apply because, for instance, I work. So every morning I get up and have to get dressed and prep. Being possibly Aspie, getting stuck in a middle of the way step means I have to work really hard to ignore that step and go on to the next.

I hope that you can find a way to get what you need from this Experiment. I'm wondering if you can say in more detail exactly what's bothering you about each step. I had to send Flylady a lot of emails at first to get ideas about how to apply her ideas to my situation.

The 'Flycrew' is terrific about answering questions and offering official advice. We are all here for you too!

Love and More Love,

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