Originally Posted by NJMom
You guys are right, of course, though my perfectionism makes me hate the idea of having to compromise already!

Perhaps my "sink" will be the mudroom. It's the last room everyone sees on their way out, and the first one we see on returning home, so I feel like it sets the tone for the rest of the house.

Now I just need to come up with an appropriate routine, and method of keeping it under control.
I think that the mudroom would make everyone smile. Flylady talks about perfectionism all the time - you aren't alone in this. Lots of all or nothing thinking.

I almost wonder if 'the mudroom' is too large, part of that 'all or nothing' thinking again. Can you pick one surface in the mudroom that falls apart the quickest for a 'quick bit of love' at the end of the day? Is there a bench that collects stuff, or the floor? Remember that Flylady doesn't say: 'Start by cleaning the whole day's dishes, the drainer, the counters next to the sink, the kitchen floor, the microwave, the burners....' See where I'm going with this?

I just want to make sure you don't 'crash and burn.'
Any little thing makes such a difference.

Love and More Love,

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