I've been reading this post and even checked out the website, but have been resisting, but it's like the songs you just cant get out of your head!!!! So I'm going to do it, the drawer of death!!! Cue scarry music. DS took over our office when born and we moved everything into our bedroom frown so went from filing cabinet to filing boxes and drawer where theoretically things went prior to being filed. I got motivated about 3 months ago by Suze Orman who alternatively annoys me and provides good advice - but what I ended up with was getting down to 1 drawer and a bag of junk to shred!!! But I am now reinspired to sort and create more stuff to shred. I am a fiend for organization, or at least I was before my DS, DH says I use to file in my spare time, sort of depressing but must be why I don't do it now!!! Although since I have posted multiple times during the day I clearly can't claim to have no spare time!!! laugh
