Originally Posted by GeoMamma
I feel so out of synch already!
Oh GeoMamma - What's making you feel out of synch?
How is the 'writing down the internal voices' going?

If you did 2 minutes of hotspot fire drill, that is a wondeful start - and no, the results might not be apparent immediately. ((pout)) I love immediate results - but, with my house, I was spending so much energy trying not to see what I had done, that it was quite a lot of 'i'll try but this doesn't feel good at all' in the beginning - first I had to feel worse by noticing all that stuff I was working so hard not to notice.

But I do believe that even in the stage where we feel worse that we have more energy because we don't have to work at ignoring. I know that while I was ignoring I didn't think of it as work, but once I stopped, I saw that for me, ignoring is work, and it used to tire me out so I wouldn't have the energy to fix the problem. KWIM?

Anyway, i hope this yucks pass quickly. I'll never forget the day that I looked into a closet and was taken totally by surprise that it wasn't a 'falling on my head' mess. I asked DH and DS if they had cleaned it. I check for broken windows - maybe a kind hearted robber had broken in a cleaned it. A few days later I remember that it was ME. I had taken a spare 15 minutes and boggied that closet. I still smile when I get my coat out of that closet - it's lovely and I deserve to live with lovely spaces. Who Knew?

Love and More Love,

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