Originally Posted by jesse
Hee hee. Will be setting up little one with a "different" version and setting up hubby too! (I aint gonna be the only one shining a sink.) Share the work, I say.

I know the feeling so well of 'I aint gonna be the only one' but I can say from personal experience that Flylady is on to something when she says that just the sight of you showing what's possible will change other people's behavior and attitudes quite a bit. Partially because your own 'mini-martyr' attitude will have changed.

If you already have a working version for your child and husband, of course keep up with it, but in most situations, I would say, 'just try to do the babysteps yourself for 31 days and then evaluate what systems you want to set up for other people.'
Best Wishes,

Yippee and a 'Go Me' to everyone who shined their sink last night!

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