So - What have I accomplished?

I have a rock solid AM routine - and I'm really staying off the Internet until it's completed, which was SSO hard in the begining and now seems easy- including 20 minutes of meditation and 3 Yoga Sun Salutations.

I have a 'baby' afterwork routine - 20 minutes of meditation before Internet.

Hotspots are still an issue at times, but lots of decluttering has given me more places to put things until I 'get' to them.

I did a few 'anti-procrastination' tasks and set up some Pamper Missions.

DH and I are settling into a Wednesday is Date Night expectation. If one of us forgets, we remind each other.

I've gotten through my first 6 weeks with DS14 at Boarding School!!! I'm not mopey and the house isn't a mess!

I'd love to hear if anyone else is proud of anything FLY!

Love and More Love,

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