Tomorrow is Day 8! Go Us!
Here's Flylady:
Day 8
Here you are; you have been FLYing for a whole week. I am so proud of you. Let’s review your new habits. I am going to break them down into what you do each morning and what you do each evening.

Morning Routine

- Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face
- Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom
- Going to Big Tent and reading messages
- Recognizing the negative voices and changing them; YOU ARE FLYing NOW!
- Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes

Before Bed Routine

- Keep your sink shining
- Lay out your clothes for tomorrow
- Put out your Hot Spot (I have to do this twice a day) It makes me smile in the morning!

Over the last week we have been establishing our basic routines. As you establish habits, it will become easy to add another habit for you to practice.

Today I want you to find an old three ring binder and just put some paper in it. Then at the top of one page write Morning Routine and on the top of another page write Before Bed Routine all in pencil. This is a working document; do not allow your perfectionism to interfere with the process. Now you can write your simple routines on each page.

Ok, so I found my old control journal - and guess what I found? 2 inches of bills dated 2009! I had a long day, so I just took them out and placed them out where I can see them, and I know just what hotspot to tomorrow. Then I put my AM and PM routine in the notebook. Done and I'm going to bed!

Love and More Love,

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