Interesting day - although not as dramatic as last week. We hired an education consultant who will be helping us from here on out. He is low key, a former superintendant and special ed coordinator. I think he plans to approach the school district in a way that will allow us to be seen as allies rather than combatants. Instead of agreeing to the IEP being amended to include the hat he wants us to meet again so that we can ensure that all the medical questions are documented - take this all out of the nurses' hands. He also is planning to ask the district to pay for the new neuropsych eval and to have them remove the invalid one from her file. He agreed that DD absolutely needs to have a GOOD neuropsych eval done. Too many unusual numbers and unanswered questions.

As we were leaving our meeting with him I got a phone call from the nurse - DD was there with a headache again. She gave her ibuprofen! Shock of shocks - about 45 minutes after getting the medicine DD asked to go back to class and came home from school feeling 100%. Ain't it amazing? Why didn't I think of telling them sooner that ibuprofen is so effective on her headaches. Oh wait... I did tell them... and tell them... and tell them...

I had to laugh though when DD told me "She will only give me my medicine if my stomach doesn't hurt so I just didn't tell her about my stomach." Smart kid but how sad that she doesn't feel she can tell the school nurse how she's really feeling?

So things are improving. At least I feel a bit more sane than I did last week. Thanks for all the support - will keep you posted.