AARRGGHH! Had a phone consult today with the neuropsych recommended here and it looks like the eval we had done is not valid! Results don't make sense, conclusions are not based on the data, etc. We can't be getting scores in the 2nd percentile followed by scores in the 95th percentile that require the same functioning, etc. I offered to travel with dd to see him but now we can't test again for awhile because he would use the same tests and that would give a "retest" artifact. Absence Seizures could possibly explain these weird numbers but she didn't show any seizure activity when we were in the hospital last week. So we are left with NO ANSWERS!

I am so beyond frustrated I can't believe it! In talking to him today I got a true sense of what we SHOULD have gotten from a neuropsych eval which is not at all what we actually got. We were put in touch with a top-notch neurologist which is good, and we are working on ruling out medical reasons but we got nothing - Nada, zero, zip, zilch that will be useful with the school or assessing ld's. Oh and we "can't" have the happy, outgoing personality with the numbers on this report. Someone with these scores would be so impaired they would be almost unable to function.

It's hard enough running this marathon without being sent back to redo portions of the race...