Latest update:

MRI was normal - no tumors or brain damage from last year's concussion. Yeah!

EEG showed rare epileptic type spike and waves patterns. (Rare referring to frequency not type.)This could mean that she has "a predisposition for partial seizures" or it could mean nothing at all. Since she didn't have any of her "staring" episodes when in the hospital we can't rule out absence seizures. Sometime in the next couple of months we will do an ambulatory EEG to give it another try to pick something up. We will also do a sleep study in case sleep apnea may be at the root of the headaches.

Still no one with any info on the local neuropsych. We are sending Beljan some writing samples. We'll see what he says. I have 6 months before either would retest her so I don't have to decide now. Will keep you posted. As always I am happy to receive any input from those who have been down this road before me.