AAARRRGGGHHH Again! Just got a call from the school. We had discussed at our meeting that it has been recommended that dd try wearing a hat and yellow tinted glasses to see if the headaches are reduced. She came home yesterday feeling awful and this morning asked to wear her hat. (A pink sparkly one her grandma bought for just this purpose.) The school nurse said the principal - who was at the meeting last week - asked her to call because "the school has a no hat policy." They want a doctor's note before they will allow her to wear a hat in school.

I let the school nurse know in no uncertain terms that I was NOT happy. This is the first thing this school has done that is not totally cooperative. She just kept repeating "the school has a no hat policy - we need a doctor's note." I said that I would not be calling Arizona and writing a check for a consultation fee just to get a letter about something so simple.

I then left a message for the school social worker telling her that we will reject the IEP and ask for another meeting if this is really an issue. All 10 people at the last meeting can take another hour to discuss this ridiculous issue. I pointed out that dd has been dealing with so many difficulties, so much discomfort and so much pain and has been a good sport about all of it. I really can't believe that a simple accommodation that was discussed at our meeting is really becoming an issue...

IF they really insist on this then I think we will insist that they replace the fluorescents in her classroom with incandescent. Personally I think a hat would be a MUCH simpler solution to try first. But hey what do I know...