{big sigh}

We are just back from the local neurologist. Last fall when the headaches started getting bad our pediatrician referred us locally and we have heard good things about the practice. The neuropsych wanted us to see his "world renowned" guy so we made appointments with both. Since we already saw the big name guy and had the 48+ hour EEG and MRI I planned to cancel today. We called to ask if we should still come and they said to do whatever pediatrician recommended. Pediatrician thought we should keep the appointment since she feels it's important to have a local one to help with the headaches and it would take 2 months to schedule a new appointment.

Local neuro was not pleased that we were taking her time. She does not expect the recent testing will show DD has a seizure disorder and she does not believe the headaches are migraines - yet. She is thinking the headaches are anxiety induced and we should start play therapy. She was happy we had not yet started giving DD the headache meds "world renowned" guy had prescribed and thinks we shouldn't. Although prescribed for migraines it is actually an antidepressant and would potentially mask the cause of all of this.

She agreed totally with Dr. Beljan that the neuropsych report we got is totally invalid. "The numbers don't add up" and "This clearly doesn't reflect the person in front of me." She also agrees that "you can't fake good" so the parts of the testing that show numbers in the 96th-98th percentiles are accurate but the rest of the testing numbers "are meaningless". She emphatically agrees that we need to get DD retested but does not think we need to travel to get her retested by Dr. Beljan. She gave us the name of someone she considers very good who is local. If there REALLY is someone local who is good WHY OH WHY did person after person tell me "There are a lot of bad ones in the area but none who are good"?

OK, so how would you go about vetting the new neuropsych recommendation? We already paid $3k out of pocket for one that we have been told is invalid, not to mention losing this entire academic year in having no proper recommendations to work with. I do NOT want DD in any more doctor's offices if we can help it.
