I dropped all caffeine from my diet so I can use it when needed to help with a migraine. Very helpful.

Got a message from dd's teacher that she tried to talk to the nurse about the ibuprofen but apparently nurse has her heels dug in. If dd mentions her stomach along with her head she will not give her ibuprofen. Hopefully letter from the neurologist will help but at this point I'm kinda doubting it... This may get interesting.

Anyway, back to the original purpose of the thread - neuropsych evals. I heard back about the writing samples I sent - "The writing obviously is dysgraphic and the spelling looks dyslexic."

Soooo.... on one hand this feels like more info than I got from the original report. On the other hand - do I need another report? I feel like I knew that much going in. Can someone please explain - very... slowly... and... clearly... - what I should be hoping to get from another report and what I will then be able to do with the information?

DD is already in pullout for reading and OT. How can I expect info from a neuropsych to change or improve this.
