Originally Posted by Pemberley
You know what would be really, really helpful? If we had a way to compile a list of the neuropsychs that people on the board have had a good experience with... Is this allowed by the rules of this site? Whether this thread is the right place or to create a new one I think the info could help a lot of us looking for the right person to test our kids.
That's one of the hopes I have for the gifted wiki. Open registration is currently closed on it due to spammers, and because I am working on the initial fill of it (I still haven't developed the template for psychologists/testers either, lots of work to do). The reason I was thinking a wiki would work well for that is that it would allow drill-down by topic of interest (i.e. different types of 2E) and also by geographic area. But the most important thing is for the information to simply be collected.

I don't think the rules here disallow that sort of thing. I've seen tons of recommendations for Aimee Yermish, Ed Amend, Deborah Ruf, etc. I hereby put in a massive plug for Laurie (Lorraine) Jensen, for anyone needing testing in New Hampshire. laugh I haven't seen a thread for that-- would you like to start one? If it turns out to be useful enough, perhaps it could be stickied. If it were me, I'd create it in the "testing and identification" forum.

If you do create a thread, I would ask participants to fill in some basic details, providing labels so that they tend to a similar format. As an example of the idea:

Please include in your answers at least the following:

Full address at time of posting:
State or province (please abbreviate):
Area(s) of expertise: (e.g. "2E", "Asperger's", etc.)
Experiences with the tester:

Something similar would make it easier for people to find appropriate testers with a search.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick