Well we are now months into kindergarten, and some things are good and some are frustrating. My DD5 is not having any obvious behavior or sensory issues at school. In fact, she looks so "normal" they probably think I am nuts for mentioning sensory issues. She has good friends and is well liked. She showed them she was beyond their end of year academic and fine motor goals the first week. Her social skills also are great. The only things she is suppose to work on this year are related to focus and organization, as in coloring neatly (really) and not making careless mistakes on simple worksheets. Since I told her to check her work, I don't see careless mistakes.

They have seen IQ and achievement testing that places her very high, and have even mentioned noticing that she thinks differently and is highly creative, but little is done. She is in a reading group, their top one, but they are reading things like, "The cat sat on the log" REALLY. She read that sort of thing at 2. I don't want to be a thorne in anyone's side here, but why can't they move closer to the right level? Math is also painfully below her level as well. There is another boy who is similar to her in the class, yet they are doing nothing special with them...

At this point, I just afterschool her a little bit when she comes home, but wish the public school could do something besides babysit her and teach her to put her backpack away. We cannot do private school right now. In our state, there are no mandates for gifted education so they have no obligation to do anything more. In our town, many many parents think their children are gifted and many push for their gifted programming which starts in second grade, so they tend to be skeptical about incoming children whose parents think are so advanced. They met with the psychologist who did her testing and said that she was different and was not going to "level off" but they seem very closed off to outside opinions.

Her class is huge and has some kids with serious behavior problems, so a child who writes well, is well behaved, and far ahead is easy to just let coast... sadly, they do few crafts and rarely have recess. It is a 2.5 hour day and much of it is drilling kids on the basics of letters, numbers, etc.

At this point, I am trying to focus on what is working and not worry too much about what isn't working.
There is a glimmer of hope that they will provide more next year since the gifted teacher visits first grade.