I am so sorry it's been so tough. My DS had a hard time at the end of pre-k too, not like the situation you are describing but bad enough. I was quite despairing of repairing his pysche. He too is an onlie and we absolutely feed his needs, he too loves adults more. Don't beat yourself up for what you have done and why, you do the best for the situation you are in and it changes from year to year. Sounds like she doesn't trust school, and why would she, it was bad and then she left. And this time, she has a great vacation with her favorite people in the world totally catered to her interests and now she is in a place that only partially does that. So it sounds like progress, it takes a long time for a deep thinker to get over the wounds, it sure did for my DS and it wasn't as severe. DS had a great camp placement which undid a lot of damage because he had help from the counselors on how to negotiate the social world with people not at his level. I would talk to the teacher about what kind of help she might need, chanting, even if she didn't mind it, sounds awful and very them against her. Peer pressure is not a good approach for someone who has been bullied.

I hope things improve!
