my DS hasn't come home with any homework, which is funny in that the open houses for this gifted school they made such a big deal about if you don't want your kid doing homework don't come here because we give a lot of it.

I can't tell what is going on in the classroom from DS is description - he doesn't seem unhappy - and is exhausted which surprised me because the day is the same length as pre-k but i think he is required to sit sill longer and pay attention.

The teacher has been very responsive to emails about pick up and snack and all the other new things to sort out - but I am hesitating about the academic side of things.

There is nothing wrong - but I have a feeling - and I have no idea what it is based on. It might just be the unknown. Nothing has come home at all. And what he shares is so piecemeal.

This is a gifted school - but I don't know the other parents or other kids yet - I have no idea how rare he is - or if the teachers have even noticed what he can do. We did receive an email about how responsible he is with the class books and he got a sticker for helping his seat mate with math

Am I being crazy? I am trying very hard to be patient (which is what he told me yesterday he was doing!!!)
