That's great that they are doing something. It is certainly a start.

I am told they will eventually do something with my DD5, but I think they just don't get her yet. Her writing is good, and by that I mean she understands capitalization, punctuation, paragraphs, verbs, nouns, alliteration, and all sorts of writing related things and has a frightening vocabulary and a wild imagination, her handwriting is even neat yet so far she is just tracing letters. They had the achievement testing / IQ right in front of them, but it is as though it didn't really register what it meant in terms of what is appropriate level work.

This is another topic, but do you think a child can be "hothoused" into performing years ahead. There is a little boy in the class who is similar (according to his mom, I haven't seen him do anything on my own) but when I spoke with his dad at a birthday party, he seemed to discount the idea that his child was gifted and attributed his being so advanced to his wife working very hard with him since day one. He is reading at least at a second grade level, but again, I have never heard him read or know what his comprehension is like, can do multiplication, tell time, and that sort of thing. He is very very shy and withdrawn, actually doesn't seem to want to mingle with other children. I am guessing my DD5 will eventually be paired with him, and although ultimately it doesn't matter, it just got me wondering how far a parent could push a child ahead. I think the boy must be gifted to some extent, but my perspective is based on a very obstinate child of my own who doesn't like to be taught or drilled in any way so I can't imagine being able to accomplish much beyond what was in her close reach since she likes to do her own thing. Maybe he is a very bright child who likes to please and she was able to push him ahead, but could any mom who worked her child hard be able to have her child years ahead in school with a child of "average" intellect? I have my opinions, but I was curious what others thought. TIA