So today was the first day where DD got to see the school. She was thrilled (although a bit anxious at first). We actually almost had a huge tantrum upon leaving (we were just going to fill out some forms).
I will say that our hope that she would be able to stay in the 0-3 room instead of the 3-6 room may have been pretty naive. She went to the room today and was already doing most of everything in there within seconds. They also had some puzzles there and she went through most of them taken apart some little pieces and putting them back together. The director said, though, that once she gets more used to the place that she could be moved up to the 3-6 room.
We have a meeting with her teacher tomorrow first thing in the morning and then she can start after that.
I'm still concerned about the language barrier but we'll just have to wait and see how that goes.
ETA: One really cool thing there. We were walking DD around on the tour and some of the older kids were going by and they said hi to here, would gently rub her head, stuff liked that. DD was, of course, dazzled by having older kids talking to her!

I just loved seeing the kids of all age interacting with each other.