I am not exactly sure how to classify DS 4's preschool. It's considered quite academically advanced compared to the others in our area. However last year I was getting concerned that he was bored. And then he made one of those awe-inspiring leaps of growth in reading, we are now doing up to 6th grade content. But we have no intention of a skip (not even sure we could). I have always focused on preschool as a social thing, as an only i feel he needs it. He has always preferred adults, and they like him, so it's been a transition getting him to focus on the kids. He is doing better, but of course part of the issue is the difference in thoughts and imaginary play between him and his peers. He gets Spanish once a week and music and a gym program. And his teachers this year are awesome. So i guess i am hopeful. He has always liked school and I am hoping that his big leap forward doesn't change that.

Although I have also realized that I am homeschooling him to an extent, which I guess we all sort of do. We're doing the magic school bus science kits - I have chicken bones soaking in vinegar on my counter and petrie dishes of mouth bacteria and toothpaste on my window sill - and DS has a "lab" book complete with hypotheses - sometimes I wonder if he thinks he learns at home and plays at school!!!!
