Crossing my fingers! Yesterday we had a little incident at school where one of the boys was not minding and it resulted in DD getting a fat lip. They called me right away and I jumped in the car expecting to find a very distraught child when I got there. We have a previous experience with being bit on the nose by a baby. She was upset by this for weeks and weeks and still brings it up even now, so I expected to walk in to a child crying her eyes out.

She was perfectly calm when I got there and was holding ice up to her lip. Even seeing mommy didn't send her into tears. She told me that the little boy didn't intend to hit her. It was really just an accident. She showed such maturity in that moment.

The little boy was sent to the office and his parents were called. Though it was an accident it was due to him not following directions ... something he has a habit of doing. This year they put in place some new procedures and I have to say I like them so far.

So I'm hoping that this little incident doesn't set her back. She did mention that she was still upset with the boy and didn't know if she wanted to go to school but she got over that idea pretty quickly and was excited by the time Daddy was taking her to school. Crossing my fingers she stays happy and excited.