deasongirl - Hope it is still working out and remains so...I would imagine it is nice to have everyone in the same place.

Katelyn'sMom- Hows piano?

My little one is doing well. She knows the sounds etc. but seems to learn words by memorization rather than phonics. I was worried in the beginning as I wanted her to know phonics as I never did. So she knows phonics but still prefers to learn the whole word method. She is quite headstrong and things must be on her terms. If the idea originates with one of the adults or is required then she will not comply. She seems to be able to tell the difference when I am just saying something and when I really mean it. So for example if she thinks I want her to take a nap then there is a lot of fuss, but if she thinks I don't care either way then she will settle down and take a nap as though it was completely her decision. Ohh for such freedom.