we had visitation day at my DD5's preschool and I actually felt a little worried since a five year old in her class couldn't count to 12, another boy couldn't say how old he was, and most of the kids don't speak clearly. I know if I said this anywhere else, I'd be flamed, but I was really shocked. This is a well respected school in a upper middle class town. Is this really normal development? My DD4 not only reads at an advanced level, but is way ahead in all other academic areas, even spelling and coloring / drawing, but because she has emotional issues and acting out issues, and I am assuming because she is small and even on the young side in her class, they won't move her to K and we can't find anywhere else to send her and I need her to go somewhere for her to have a social life and me to catch my breath since my husband is gone all the time.