Oh TT!
I think not getting obsessed is a good idea, and it's true that the short hours are on your side. ((My son was in daycare all day by age 4, every day))

Do you have any idea, in retrospect, if your so called behavior problems were due to a 2e or just being 'too gifted' for the classroom? On one hand you don't want to assume that the DDs are 'just like you' but on the other hand lots of times the apples fall sort of near the tree.

Too bad about that reader boy, and all the stress of filled up classrooms.

It seems like a good idea to visit the local public preschool and observe. The population may or may not be an issue - it really depends on how the teachers administer the program.

I'm glad to hear that she wants to go - that's got to be a good sign. Keep combing for that special college student or homeschool kid/mom combo or grandma-type to get you some respite!

Love and More Love,

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