newmom - sounds like she will enjoy it and be happy there! awesome that the older kids were happily interacting with her too - it does make such a difference to them hey - I see it with Aiden at his school too.
Thanks and I think the more we visit the more we're convinced it's a good fit. I think a big part of it is that here there are a million private schools and there's a lot of competition to get good students so they really do have to adapt to your child and provide a quality education.
We met with DD's teachers today and it went really well. DH sort of led the discussion since DD was freaking out a bit while we were there (she was really scared the teachers were going to take her away at first but she eventually started playing with them towards the end and she was also scared T-Rex was hiding underneath some things there so I had help her most of the time). They asked about some of her early milestones and were very surprised but also didn't show any disbelief either (the also even remarked how curious she was during the interview because she spent the whole time exploring every inch of the room and asking about everything). They seems very open and flexible so I take it as a good sign too. She officially starts on Monday but there will be an adapting period where she only goes for a short while (while I'm there) to help her adjust, I think it lasts about a week? Here's hoping everything goes well!
Oh, and I love seeing the multi-age interaction. That's one of my favorite thing about Montessori schools.